1.Dan boxer before the lower level to see he has extraordinary talent, trying to integrate it into boxing.
2.Where as a lower level customer service representative may not be able to see high priority customers.
3.This library has a number of helper functions to make it easy to access the lower-level APIs.
4.The general manager of a company will also be replaced by lower-level staff, as long as the staff received additional knowledge and skills.
5.A volume might appear to have failed as a result of a configuration change at a lower level in the system or due to human error.
6.All beneficial spells will automatically reduce rank if necessary to that of a lower level target.
7.It must stabilise house prices at a new, lower level and must not get into the game of trying to maintain ever- rising property values.
8.The lower level tends to evolve toward the proletarian that provides the fundamental components for a new society.
9.This will lazily read the file, just as if you used the lower level stream objects.
10.Lower-level officials will meet next week to work out a plan for the next meeting between Netanyahu and Abbas, Mitchell said.